Turnitin Feedback Studio
St. Xavier's University, Kolkata subscribed the world leading plagiarism detection tool Turnitin Feedback Studio for check the similarity of faculty members, research scholars and student's intellectual works. Turnitin Feedback studio also useful to give meaningful feedback and provide the standardized grade to the students. It helps to maintain safeguard the integrity especially protect the institutions reputation. Turnitin Feedback Studio empowering the instructors with commending and grading tools that make the feedback faster and easier, so saving the time on grading the feedback. Also useful to track and analyze the students progress within the institution/class. Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality helps identify, escalate, and investigate potential cases of research related contract cheating.
Administrator of Turnitin Feedback studio is manages its features, enroll the instructor and oversee the turnitin account. Admin can view the Usage stats but not possible to view the uploaded content by the instructor/students. Kindly contact admin lawlibrarian@sxuk.edu.in to enroll instructor account.
All Faculty Members are created as Instructor account, instructors can create the class, add (upload) the students and create the assignments. There is no limit to create the number of classes and assignments by the instructors. Instructor can assess the student's submission through assignments. For instructor manual kindly visit https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/turnitin-website/instructor/instructor-category.htm
Students are enrolled by the instructors in the class. In that class instructor already created new assignment. Students can submit/upload the assignment as per Turnitin allowed various file formats (PDF, Word, etc) and view the similarity score and/or feedback in Turnitin. For more information regarding students manual https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/turnitin-website/student/student-category.htm
To login Turnitin account https://www.turnitin.com/login_page.asp?lang=en_us
DrillBit-Extreme Plagiarism Detection Software
Based on the recommendation of Sub-Committee, National Steering Committee (NSC) of e-ShodhSindhu, The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has initiated a programme "ShodhShuddhi" which provides access to Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) to all universities/Institutions in India since Sept 1, 2019. Under the ShodhShuddhi initiative, Universities and Institutions across the country were provided access to Ouriginal (formerly Urkund), a web-based plagiarism detection software system and it continued until the contract with M/s Ouriginal by Turnitin concluded on September 30, 2023. Starting from October 1, 2023, the INFLIBNET Centre now offers the 'DrillBit-Extreme Plagiarism Detection Software' to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as part of the same ShodhShuddhi initiative.
Kindly contact PDS ShodhShuddhi nodal officer for further lawlibrarian@sxuk.edu.in