Inauguration of the Ph.D. programme of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata for batch 2022-2023 was held on 6th August 2022. 18 newly enrolled students of Management and Commerce participated in the programme. Rev. Dr. John Felix Raj, S.J., Vice-Chancellor addressed the students about the Xaverian ethos and about the research journey of a Ph.D. scholar of SXUK. Prof. Ashis Mitra, Registrar briefed about the rules and regulations of the University. The Inaugural programme ended with vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Soma Sur, Ph.D. Programme Coordinator.
Prof. Dr. Soma Sur
To promote the culture of quality research Doctoral Colloquium of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata was held for the fourth time on 1st July 2022. The programme was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Rev. Dr. John Felix, Raj, S.J. who was also the Chair of the Colloquium. He briefed the audience about the research programme of the University and the future scope of research in higher education. The fourth Doctoral Colloquium of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata was held in the physical mode this time and 33 research scholars presented their papers in their respective disciplines in different parallel sessions. The sessions were chaired by fourteen eminent Resource persons from various Universities and reputed academic institutions. The scholars benefited immensely from the fruitful discussions and advice from the eminent resource persons.
Prof. Dr. Soma Sur
St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata organised a two day Doctoral Colloquium on 30th & 31st October 2021. The University is offering Ph.D. Programmes in disciplines of Commerce, English, Mass Communication, Economics and Management.
Rev. Dr. John Felix Raj, S.J., Honourable Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s Univeristy, Kolkata and Doctoral Colloquium Chair delivered the Inaugural address and highlighted the need to undertake research journey with Xaverian ethos.
Keynote addresses were delivered by Padma Shri Dr. Mammen Chandy, Director, Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata and Dr. Joyashree Roy, Bangabandhu Chair Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Dr. Niraj Kumar, Ph.D. Programme Coordinator and Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chair briefed on 2 days Doctoral Colloquium tracks, the need for it and their relevance for academic and research knowledge community.
The Doctoral Colloquium consisted of 8 tracks namely:
This Doctoral Colloquium also included a Plenary Session on “Sustainable Excellence in Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship” which included Keynote Speakers Dr. Roselina Ahmed Saufi, Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, University Malaysia Kelantan and Dr. P Venugopal, Professor, XLRI Jamshedpur, India
The Valedictory Session address were delivered by Dr. K Seal, Professor and Department Chair, Director of Comparative Management Systems, Loyola Marymount University, LA, USA and Dr. Jatin Srivastava, Director, Institute for International Journalism, E,W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University, Ohio, USA.
The track based Doctoral Colloquium was designed to provide supportive and constructive platform to the Ph.D. Scholars of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata and the Ph.D. Scholars of other Institutions of repute in India and abroad. More than 50 Ph.D. Scholars presented papers in the Colloquium and interfaced with peer knowledge community across sectors and disciplines under mentorship of Faculty and Technical Chair. The Doctoral Colloquium was conducted on Microsoft Teams virtual platform.
The Inaugural and Valedictory Session were streamed live on Facebook and YouTube.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar
Inaugural Programme for Ph.D. Scholars admitted in 2021-2022 was held on 02.08.2021 at 3 pm in Amphitheatre 523 in blended mode.
Rev. Dr. John Felix Raj, S.J., Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata delivered the welcome address and invited the Research Scholars to become part of Xaverian family. Father highlighted the Jesuit Institutions landscape both nationally and globally and briefed them on inculcating Xaverian ethos.
Prof. Dr. Lynn Martin, Professor, Anglia Ruskin Univeristy, Cambridge, UK was the 1st Keynote speaker. Prof. Martin talked about essence of the research journey and embarked upon the necessity for developing passion for Research.
Prof. Dr. Dev Swarup, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Law University, Jaipur was the 2nd keynote speaker. Prof. Swarup emphasized upon research ethics and developing research ethos reflecting high morale and character.
The scholars were addressed by Rev. Dr. Sebasti L Raj, S.J., Pro Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata and Prof. Ashis Mitra, Registrar, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata as well.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar, Ph.D. Coordinator and Member Secretary, Board of Research, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata delivered the vote of thanks. Prof. Kumar emphasized on the successful Ph.D. outcomes and encouraged the scholars to work towards creating Research performance metrics in their respective disciplines.
This Programme was attended by Deans of Faculty / School, the Faculty fraternity from diversified disciplines and the University officers.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar
St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata organised a two day Doctoral Colloquium on 3rd and 4th October 2020. The University is offering Ph.D. Programmes in disciplines of Commerce, English, Mass Communication, Economics and Management.
Rev. Dr. John Felix Raj, S.J. Honourable Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s Univeristy, Kolkata delivered the Inaugural address and highlighted the need to undertake research journey with Xaverian ethos.
Dr. Niraj Kumar, Programme Director of the Doctoral Colloquium while briefing on the Colloquium stressed upon the need for the researchers to focus on s-curve and H-index. Dr. R S Shukla, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of India and Dr. Anju Seth, Director, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta delivered keynote address during the Inaugural Session.
Dr. Lynn Martin, Professor, Anglia Ruskin university, UK and Dr. Soumyen Sikdar, Professor, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta addressed the Ph.D. Scholars from India and abroad during the Valedictory Session.
The Doctoral Colloquium was designed to provide supportive and constructive platform to the Ph.D. Scholars of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata and the Ph.D. Scholars of other Institutions of repute in India and abroad. More than 50 Ph.D. Scholars presented papers in the Colloquium and interface with peer knowledge community across sectors and disciplines under mentorship of Faculty and Technical Chair. The Doctoral Colloquium was conducted on Microsoft Teams virtual platform.
The Inaugural and Valedictory Session were streamed live on Facebook and YouTube.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar
St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata has launched Ph.D. programme in Commerce, English and Mass Communication for academic session 2019-20 as a step towards scaling up the maturity model in Research dimension.
The University organized an Inaugural Programme for Ph.D. Scholars on 18th November, 2019 at University Auditorium.
Rev. Dr. John Felix Raj, S.J., Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata delivered the welcome address and invited the Research Scholars to start their Research journey with a clear focus and passion for the same. In his address he also dwelt upon the necessity of developing a Xavier ethos for the Research Scholars and live up to the expectation of the global brand. Fr. Vice Chancellor also had a special session with the Research Scholars on Research Motivation.
Prof. Dr. Suranjan Das, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Jadavpur University, the Chief Guest of the programme gave the Key note address to the Research Scholars. Prof. Das emphasized upon the need to look at the dimensions of Research niche areas, explore the importance of walking out of the comfort zone and working on Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research areas in an effort building the research objectives out of the need and issues arising around the users and diversified stakeholders.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar, Ph.D. Coordinator and Convener Board of Research, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata delivered the vote of thanks. Prof. Kumar informed about the establishment of Centre for Excellence in Research and Innovation at St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata with the objective to work as Research Enterprise in collaboration with Knowledge Community worldwide.
This Programme was attended by Deans of Various Faculty / Schools, the Faculty fraternity from diversified disciplines and the University officers.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar
Ph.D. Coordinator & Convener- Board of Research
St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata through Centre for Excellence in Research and Innovation conducted the 1st Research Symposium-cum-Doctoral Colloquium 2019 on 30.09.2019 at University Auditorium. The theme was Paradigm shift in research: Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary. The research Symposium-cum-Doctoral Colloquium was designed for the Faculty and Research Scholars of St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata to get an opportunity to be exposed to Interdisciplinary research platform.
Rev. Dr. Sebasti L. Raj, S.J., Pro-Vice Chancellor, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata delivered the welcome address during the inaugural session. There were three key note speakers namely Dr. N.K. Chakraborty, Vice Chancellor, NUJS Kolkata, Dr. Swagata Sen, Vice Chancellor, University of Gour Banga and Dr. Basab Chaudhuri, Vice Chancellor, West Bengal State University. The Inaugural session ended with theme address by Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar, Convener, 1st Research Symposium-cum- Doctoral Colloquium 2019.
Three Thematic Research Presentations were presented by Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar, Centre for Excellence in Research and Innovation, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, jointly with Dr. Sanjit Kumar Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, The WB National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, Dr. Kavita Singh, Associate Professor, The WB National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, Dr. Amitava Roy, Associate Professor, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata on the following themes:
Six presentations by faculty/ Research Scholars with various universities like Jadavpur University, University of Burdwan, University of Calcutta, WB National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata across disciplines like Economics, Human Resource Management, Mass Communication, Commerce, Law and Brand Management were conducted during Doctoral Colloquium.
Prof. Dr. Niraj Kumar
Ph.D. Coordinator & Convener- Board of Research